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Oksana Tymoshchuk

Oksana Tymoshchuk

PM Lead at Geniusee

Oksana’s expertise in financial analysis, management, and UX design shapes the success of our projects. Beyond her strategic role, Sana's insightful articles on retail and financial data offer nuanced perspectives, addressing the needs of both seasoned professionals and enthusiasts.

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Location Middletown

651 N Broad St, Suite 206,
Middletown, DE 19709, USA

Location Warsaw

Ul. Adama Branickiego 21/U3,
Warsaw 02-972, Poland

Location Kyiv

BC Y4, Yaroslavs'kyi Lane 4,
Kyiv 04071, Ukraine

Location Lviv

BC Technopark, Fedkovycha St
60a, Lviv 79000, Ukraine