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Finance Unlocked: Video learning platform for finance professionals

Finance Unlocked clients call it ‘The MasterClass for finance’ and ‘The future of learning & development in financial services’. Geniusee was proud to lead the development of this on-demand video-learning platform. It is designed to accelerate company-wide and personal education paths for finance professionals expand their expertise. Together, we empowered over 160 world-leading industry experts to educate thousands of professionals with more than 100 online training courses.

Case image
Ciaran Rooney
Ciaran Rooney

Finance Unlocked CTO

“Choosing to work with Geniusee has been a game-changing decision for the progress of our platform. Together the people at Finance Unlocked and Geniusee have become one big team, even a family. As CTO, it’s essential for me to have both a technically skilled and culturally integrated team, and Geniusee has delivered the best. Everyone on the team has a great personal attitude and in-depth expertise. With help of Geniusee, it has allowed us to build and customize our platform fast and easily.”

Business context

Both Geniusee and the Finance Unlocked team value transparency and collaboration, so we have proactively worked together for more than three years already. While we’re doing the development part led by their CTO, the Finance Unlocked team does sales and content development.

When the work started, Finance Unlocked already had a video learning platform on WordPress, yet they had a goal to expand. WordPress fits well with small and medium-sized businesses, but not global ones with institutional clients. In this case, a much better solution for Finance Unlocked was Laravel, which also allowed us to create a completely custom design.

Key challenges:
  • Transfer platform from WordPress to Laravel
  • Ensure secure 3d party connections
  • Rebuilt system design from scratch
  • Assure personalization for customers
  • Create easy-to-understand business and user analytics
  • Tailor team learning assignment process
  • Creating and managing multiple new platforms such as Sustainability Unlocked
Business context

Work approach

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Geniusee usually starts working with a client from a discovery phase, yet, here we skipped this part as Finance Unlocked already had a WordPress platform and the first main task was to move the on-demand video platform to Laravel and re-do all design. We didn’t even need a business analyst at the beginning of the project, as the Finance Unlocked CTO was really clear with all requirements, so one of Geniusee specialists joined after the project had grown significantly . Architecture and infrastructure were basically created by the Finance Unlocked CTO whois the tech lead for this project.

  • 1
  • 2
    Business analysis
  • 3
    Frontend development
  • 4
    Backend development
  • 5
    Quality assurance
  • 6
    DevOps services
  • As usual, we come up with prototypes and design examples. Everything was based on the requirements of the Finance Unlocked CTO and product manager before being approved by stakeholders. We do sometimes conduct A/B testing of some design features, as well as focus on intuitively understandable UX/UI that is interactive and engaging for users. Our design iterations and improvements are based on end-customer feedback collected by the Finance Unlocked team.

    Business analysis
  • As previously stated, we did not conduct the business analysis from the beginning, yet as the product grew, and we met the need to add more specifications to our process. The work of BA professionals in the Finance Unlocked project is mostly about stakeholders interviewing to collect, validate, and approve collect requirements, their formalization, and right prioritization, so during the sprint, we develop the most important features.

    Business analysis
  • Finance Unlocked required the rebuilding of all its video platform frontend, starting from design and up to transferring everything to Laravel from Word Press. We chose React, which is easy to work with, simple, and ‘light’. The most essential part was that React is perfect for interactive UI. With React Geniusee frontend team built both stand-alone components based on logical principles that bound them together into one UI system which all needed visual elements.

    Business analysis
  • As we brought Finance Unlocked to Laravel, it was logical to base our backend development on PHP, as Laravel is one of the PHP web application frameworks. It is open-source, so possibilities are broader and updates appear faster. Plus, Laravel allows following the model-view-controller design patterns. At this stage, the Geniusee team developed an admin panel for content management and customer support teams, app logic, features, etc.

    Business analysis
  • Online subscription learning platforms are a never-ending journey as they will always scale and evolve. With Finance Unlocked, we started with manual testing (smoke, regression, and localization tests) and now we have moved to automated testing. Now we’re working now building test cases and plans that will become a basis for automated unit tests for core features. For example, load testing, as stabilization and refactoring is important for Finance Unlocked with the acquaintance of new global customers.

    Business analysis
  • We used 9 beta environments to assure smooth flow and not to affect production that was still on WordPress back at that time. Shortly, we will be going to work on architecture and infrastructure diagrams to ensure the stability of the platform after serious scaling and throughput capacity of the system. Additionally, as Finance Unlocked is going to get a SOC2 certificate to ensure privacy, security, integrity, and confidentiality, we’ll boost our cybersecurity services here as well.

    Business analysis

Project tech stack

Geniusee tends to look at the projects’ future needs, not only those our clients have today. That is why we had to choose technologies that will ensure scalability, high speed and will be “light”. This allowed us to satisfy Finance Unlocked objectives and business goals.

Tech stack

Geniusee team

Together with the Finance Unlocked team, we successfully built an extremely proactive collaboration. Motivation and partnership are cornerstones of our work together. This working style is based on trust and transparency, which both sides are lucky to have as company principles, and engagement in processes that allows every team member to see the full context.

  • PM photo

    Tech lead

    For me as CTO, it’s always not just about technical complexity of task, but our partners and project’s purpose. It was an honor to become a part of international success of Finance Unlocked. As we also speciliaze in FinTech, this experience is immesurable. The greatest challenge in my role - to make the most complex things in the easiest way possible. That’s what we did during our work with Finance Unlocked.

  • Tech Lead photo

    Project manager

    It is always a pleasure to work with the Finance Unlocked team. They make us feel like part of the team, always considering our suggestions and thoughts. Every team member on the Finance Unlocked side is full of inspiration which is affecting Geniusee team as well.

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