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AI-powered mobile app development company

Geniusee's AI experts can turn your big ideas into working AI apps that deliver real business value. 

We're your partners in progress — our team will guide you through every step, from concept to deployment, ensuring your app achieves its goals and exceeds user expectations.

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AI-powered mobile app development services

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    AI consulting and strategy creation

    We provide AI consulting to help determine how AI can improve your mobile app and business. Our experts will assess your needs and goals to create an AI strategy and roadmap.

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    Custom AI-powered mobile app development

    We use AI technologies like machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, and computer vision to develop apps with features such as personalized recommendations, chatbots, image recognition, and more.

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    AI integration into existing apps

    We can integrate AI components like chatbots, face recognition, and predictive analytics into your current iOS and Android apps. 

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    Performance optimization and AI enhancement of existing apps

    Our team can optimize your app's performance and enhance it with new artificial intelligence models to increase accuracy, marketability, and user experience.

Discover our cases

Types of AI-powered mobile apps and features we develop

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    AI-powered language learning apps

    We can create learning apps that adapt lessons to your users' needs, track their progress, and focus lessons on areas that need improvement.

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    AI-powered tutoring apps

    Our AI mobile app developers can create solutions that provide personalized learning experiences, one-on-one instructions, feedback, and grading.

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    AI-powered personal finance apps

    Our experts help create AI apps that analyze spending, suggest ways to save money, detect irregular spending patterns, and alert users about possible fraud.

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    AI-powered mobile banking apps

    We can use AI tools to create personalized and convenient banking apps that can identify potential fraud and offer recommendations for financial products.

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    AI-powered smart shopping assistants

    We can work on AI-driven e-commerce apps that recommend products based on users' interests, tracking their shopping behavior and suggesting items they are likely to buy.

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    AI-powered visual search apps

    Our team can also work on AI-powered mobile apps that allow users to take a picture of a product or upload an image of a product they are interested in, and then find similar or identical products from online retailers.

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    AI-powered property management apps

    Our experts can develop apps that use AI to help landlords and property managers with tasks such as screening tenants, collecting rent, and scheduling maintenance.

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    AI-powered home valuation tools

    Geniusee's team is ready to work on apps that are used to estimate the value of a property. They can be helpful for sellers who are trying to determine a listing price for their home.

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Benefits of AI-powered development for business

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    Cost optimization

    AI can automate repetitive tasks that are typically handled by human employees, freeing them up for more strategic work. This can lead to significant cost savings in areas like data entry and customer service.

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    Replacement of manual processes

    Replacing manual processes with AI essentially means automating tasks that people traditionally did. This can greatly affect a business's scalability, reduce labor costs, and improve the quality of work results.

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    New revenue stream generation

    AI can provide personalized recommendations, predict market trends, and monetize data insights, creating increased sales and revenue diversification opportunities.

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Artificial intelligence app development process we offer

Our technology stack


Data processing

Database management

Our AI-powered solutions for different industries

  • Our AI models are trained on massive datasets to detect fraud, optimize investment portfolios, and improve customer service in finance.

  • We build AI systems that can assess students' work, provide personalized learning paths, and give intelligent feedback to boost learning outcomes.

  • For retailers, we offer AI solutions that analyze customer data to provide product recommendations, optimize pricing, and forecast demand to increase sales and operational efficiency.

  • Property developers and real estate agents use our AI technology to determine optimal locations and the right time to buy or sell assets and gain data-driven insights into local housing markets.

What our clients say about us


Why work with Geniusee?

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    Customer-centric focus

    We prioritize understanding your business requirements and goals, tailoring our AI app development services to meet your unique needs and deliver exceptional value.

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    Data-driven approach

    Our AI solutions are driven by data analysis and personalized experience, enabling you to gain valuable insights and engage users on a deeper level.

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    Experienced AI app developers

    Our AI app development company of skilled AI app developers has a deep understanding of artificial intelligence technologies and extensive experience building AI-powered apps.

Our success in numbers





Projects completed



Net Promoter Score


Meet a part of our AI team


Ihor Demkovych

Tech Lead


Andrew Korobkin

Delivery Director


Oles Dobosevych

Head of Data Engineering


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What is the development time of the AI-powered web and mobile app?

Artificial intelligence in web and mobile app development is rapidly transforming the way we interact with smartphones and applications. 

The development time for an AI-powered mobile app can vary depending on the complexity and scope of the project. It typically ranges from a few months to a year, considering factors such as features, integrations, testing, and deployment.  

Try our Estimator to calculate the approximate development time of the AI-powered application, or contact our experts for precise estimation.

The cost of developing an AI-based business app depends on various factors, including the project scope, features, complexity, and technology stack. 

To provide an accurate estimate of AI-based app development, we conduct a thorough analysis of your requirements. Contact us for a personalized cost assessment tailored to your specific project needs, or try an Estimator to get approximate numbers.

AI models in web and mobile app development can be trained using various data types, including user interactions, preferences, historical data, and feedback. 

Additionally, external data sources, such as social media, location data, and user-generated content, can enrich the training process. 

Combining different data types enables the AI model to learn and make accurate predictions or recommendations within web and mobile applications.

AI-powered web and mobile apps prioritize user privacy and data security by implementing robust security measures and following data protection regulations. As an AI-powered mobile app development company, we understand that ensuring user privacy and data security is of utmost importance. 

Artificial intelligence mobile apps use encryption techniques to secure user data, follow best practices for data storage and handling, and provide transparency and control to users regarding their data. Additionally, AI algorithms can be designed to respect user privacy by anonymizing and aggregating data for analysis and personalization purposes.

Successful use cases of AI mobile app development include virtual assistants, language translation apps, personalized recommendation systems, speech recognition and image recognition apps, and predictive analytics apps. These artificial intelligence apps deliver valuable features, enhance user experience, and provide unique functionalities.

Yes, AI-powered web and mobile apps can adjust and learn from user behavior over time. With the help of a professional AI app development company, you can implement app mechanisms to continuously learn and adapt based on received data. 

These apps can analyze user interactions, preferences, and feedback through machine learning algorithms to improve their recommendations, predictions, and user interfaces. 

By continuously learning from user behavior, AI applications can provide increasingly accurate and personalized experiences to users.

When implementing advanced AI in mobile app development, businesses should consider factors such as data privacy and security, ethical use of AI, data quality and availability, integration with existing systems, scalability, and ongoing maintenance and updates. 

Businesses must have a clear understanding of their objectives, user needs, and the potential impact of AI on their apps' performance and user experience.

Apps developed by a highly skilled AI application development company can significantly improve business efficiency and productivity. Specifically, they can automate internal processes, optimize workflows, and provide intelligent insights and recommendations. 

These apps can streamline business processes, enable faster decision-making, and enhance collaboration and communication. By using power of AI, businesses can achieve higher productivity, reduce costs, and gain a competitive edge in the market.

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Location Middletown

651 N Broad St, Suite 206,
Middletown, DE 19709, USA

Location Warsaw

Ul. Adama Branickiego 21/U3,
Warsaw 02-972, Poland

Location Kyiv

BC Y4, Yaroslavs'kyi Lane 4,
Kyiv 04071, Ukraine

Location Lviv

BC Technopark, Fedkovycha St
60a, Lviv 79000, Ukraine