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Design Sprint

There are different ways to improve the customer experience and the product. However, many of them involve a lot of time and continuous improvement. Design Sprint is an alternative approach where hypotheses and solutions are tested in a short time. The process aims to help teams clearly define goals, validate assumptions, and decide on a product roadmap before starting development. Design Sprint is considered a short and intensive time interval during which the team works to create ideas and put them into practice as quickly as possible to get feedback quickly and start improving.

Why do you need a Design Sprint?

A Design Sprint helps reduce the standard number of steps of new product development to get maximum value in a short period. Instead of waiting to launch a minimal product to understand if an idea is any good, you’ll get precise data from a realistic prototype.

What you will get using the Design Sprint service:
  • Understanding key users better
  • Clear vision of final deliverables
  • Creative thinking and experimenting to explore a wider variety of ideas
  • Avoiding the need to compose detailed specifications
  • Reducing the cost of final deliverables failure during user testing
  • Enjoying better ownership due to active collaboration
  • Witnessing real users validating ideas directly
When you need a Design Sprint service:
  • When previous innovations haven’t been adopted as expected
  • When you need to get services to market quickly
  • When you’re trying to re-establish a branded relationship in the context of digital-first servicing
  • When your customer’s multichannel experience is incoherent and complex
  • When you can commit key team members to work in an intense way

The process of the Design Sprint

Who is the Design Sprint team?
Always: Project manager, business analyst, designer, technical specialist.
Sometimes: Marketer, decision-maker.
What if you skip the Design Sprint?
  • Don’t find the correct problem, components, and features
  • Don’t figure out the main idea
  • Don't get real feedback
How long does it take?
Five days, one working week.
What does this team do?
Progress bar Progress bar
  • On Monday,

    we’re mapping out the problem and picking an important place to focus.

  • On Tuesday,

    we’re sketching competing solutions.

  • On Wednesday,

    we’re making difficult decisions and turning the ideas into testable hypotheses.

  • On Thursday,

    we’ll hammer out a high-fidelity prototype.

  • On Friday,

    we’re testing it with real live humans (customers/users).

What are the Design Sprint deliverables?



  • Who are the users
  • What are their needs
  • What is the context
  • Competitor review
  • Formulate strategy


  • Envision
  • Develop lots of solutions
  • Ideate


  • Choose the best idea
  • Storyboard the idea


  • Build something quick and dirty to show to users
  • Focus on usability not making it beautiful


  • Show the prototype to real users outside the organisation
  • Learn what doesn’t work

Technologies we apply

Technologies img

The advantages of the Design Sprint with Geniusee

The Design Sprint service with the Geniusee team marries the best agile delivery with the best design service to provide your company with a quick way to get great new service innovations to market.

Geniusee is not only about brilliant software development but about credible expertise. Our technology-and-business-addicted specialists are led by measurable results.

To develop cutting-edge products, you often need to think out of the box. We apply creative user-centric practices, such as design-thinking workshops and design Google sprints. In very short terms, we provide our clients with innovative, valuable, and tested solutions. Together, we meet end-users' needs and desires.








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