Wyzoo – model prediction service

Scope and highlights
Workshops in Ukraine
UX/UI design
Web app development
React.js + Node.js + Python
3-10 team members
3+ years of cooperation
the challenge
Wyzoo is a US Based company that offers a solution with the selection of the target audience for your business. This App is built on artificial intelligence and learning techniques to identify patterns in your customer data enriched by an extensive database of consumer attributes. Wyzoo was founded by a team of disciplined data experts and successful entrepreneurs who use their mastery of Artificial Intelligence and Human Intelligence (AI + HI) to help mid-market companies and enterprises improve business decisions and outcomes.
Our client wanted access to skilled talent for an immediate need and to develop an online system for marketers.
The core challenges included:
Identifying best performing audience segments for who should receive which message
Improving response rates
Integrating multiple data sources to develop a single view of your customers and prospects
Acquiring more customers at a lower cost

Do you want to estimate the budget and time for developing your app?

the process
Geniusee assisted with the development website. We led the UI/UX discovery phase and helped to define the concepts of our client's intelligence platform. Our team then actually developed the site.
We also managed the R&D work for autoML tools. Our team identified and tested the products.Then Wyzoo team had content writers summarize Geniusee's findings, which allowed us to advise on the tools' usability.
As Wyzoo brought on client engagements, Geniusee worked as an extension of our team. For one engagement, we designed and developed a diversity and inclusion legal platform.
For another client's project, our team managed the R&D work for the visual processing of images. Geniusee team developed a web platform and enabled the OCR (optical character recognition) of images going into the platform.
On this project there was a team from 3–18 team members depending on the project. We've had interactions and engagements with most of the client's team. We started working with Wyzoo in September 2018, and we’re still working with them.
Core activities at this stage included:
Web platform from scratch to:
- Profile your best client
- Tune Your Data For Peak Performance
- Form Better & Faster Marketing Decisions
- Capture Actionable Data From Anywhere
- Predict Customer or Prospect BehaviorRnD of different ETL data cleansing and machine learning after
Build custom machine learning models, allowing to increase response rate and average order value
Reduce the cost of acquisition of the new customer

Collaboration with Wyzoo is a fun experience where we could brainstorm, come up with concepts and test different ideas. We tried to evolve team thinking. Geniusee acted as a member of Wyzoo team and it allowed us to get high productivity.
Taras Tymoshchuk
CEO Geniusee
the outcome
Due to quick strategic decisions and huge flexibility on both sides, Wyzoo launched a web platform that identifying best performing audience segments for who should receive which message. We helped our client to follow their mission - 'Integrate leading expertise and modern tools to help make Data Intelligence universally accessible and useful.'
The success of this project hinged on the following factors:
Choosing the right technology stack for the app
Regular on-site meetings and implementing best practices of Scrum development
Open feedback between the client and the Geniusee team

“Geniusee successfully delivered a website and executed the research to implement an informative tools section that provides valuable guidance users. The team effectively manages projects to consistently produce deliverables on time and budget. Their responsiveness ensures an ongoing partnership.”
Andris Ezerins
CTO at Wyzoo