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Data science POC.

Data is the most valuable product on the market. The future really moves with big data. But it’s not enough to get the data, you also need to understand how to use it. Our data experts are involved in many tasks.

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This is not something completely new that has appeared in the industry out of the bloom. This is the development of tools that were previously used to solve applied business problems. This development was facilitated by the growth of computing power, which in turn made it possible to work with vast amounts of information.

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Previously, almost every company had a statistics department. Then this function was transformed into business analysis, and today it is being transformed into data analytics, which works with more detailed, more in-depth information.

Working with Big Data isn’t something that a human can do

because our brains are simply not able to process so much information

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Data science hides a lot of skills inside such as mathematical analysis, linear algebra, mathematical statistics, numerical methods.

As well as derivatives of these sciences: algorithms, programming, econometrics, which combine the knowledge of statistics, programming and economic theory. It considers the properties and patterns of data, methods of processing, analysis, and modeling, which are the object of study in data science.

In our company, data science specialists are divided into several groups.




The first one is those who work with data preparation, data aggregation, setting up data streams at the hardware level. They have more knowledge of system administrating and databases. Accordingly, their IT skills are their priority.




The second group of data scientists is those who analyze and search for correlations on the basis of the collected Big Data. Their sphere of expertise is mathematics and statistics, while programming programming helps in solving problems.

Successful businesses seek to automate their decision-making process to the maximum through various programs that use machine learning. We help to understand and structure data, predict risks, form trends etc.

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Location Middletown
651 N Broad St, Suite 206,
Middletown, DE 19709, USA
Location Warsaw
Ul. Adama Branickiego 21 / U3,
02-972 Warsaw
Location Kyiv
BC Y4, Yaroslavsky Lane 4,
04071, Kyiv, Ukraine
Location Lviv
BC Technopark, Fedkovycha St 60a,
79000 Lviv, Ukraine