It’s the end of the year, which means that it is just the right time to tell you about the honors we’ve got this year!

Why could this be interesting for you? That’s easy. Thanks to those badges, you’ll always know that Geniusee is a reliable and trustworthy partner to provide you FinTech software development services, EdTech software development solutions, as other industries and services.. 

Geniusee team works despite borders and time zones to deliver only the best innovative solutions that ensure our clients’ leadership and digital breakthrough. Geniusee is about personalized and agile approaches to deliver the best in our Galaxy software produced by humans. No alien footprint at all. Our topmost priority is to deliver results that exceed your expectations, allowing you to gain better digital visibility overall.

We never stop growing and expanding, broadening our horizons, and always seek room for evolution!

In this article:

  1. ISO certifications
  2. AWS designations
  3. Clutch rewards
  4. Good firms awards
  5. The Manifest
  6. Instead of the conclusions

ISO certifications

ISO 27001:2013

ISO 27001:2013 Information security management system

We like to describe ISO 27001:2013 as a way of life and thinking. At least it is so for us. 

If we make it official, ISO 27001:2013 is a standard by the International Organization of Standardization in the field of information security that requires organizations to provide and adopt ISMS or, in other words, information security management systems. It’s about preventing leaks and breaks and protecting your and our sensitive data.

ISO 27001 is designed to be a company information shield based on three aspects:

  • Confidentiality
  • Integrity
  • Availability

This means that information in the company that implements ISO 27001 is only for those who are authorized and only for those who are authorized. No exceptions. Dixie*. 

ISO 27001 guarantees that your project is secured and safe with us.

* - a Latin phrase that literally translates to “I have spoken” and rather means “I’ve said everything that I had to say, and my arguments are settled.”

ISO 9001:2015 

ISO 9001:2015 quality management system

Geniusee strives toward sustainable growth. Because of this, we just consider ISO 9001:2015 to be a part of who we are. Adopting a quality management system (QMS) is a strategic move meant to demonstrate overall performance and ensure our capacity to offer consumers services that satisfy both their expectations and legal requirements.

Generally speaking, ISO 9001 is a global standard that establishes standards for quality management systems and supports a process-oriented approach to documentation. The structure, practices, and responsibilities that are necessary to achieve an efficient QMS are continually being reviewed and improved, and we take it as a registered commitment to our customers.

AWS designations

In 2022, the Geniusee team received 18 AWS certifications. We are also proud to become a part of the AWS Partner Program.

AWS advanced tier services partner

It is a gratifying accomplishment for us to become an AWS Advanced Tier Service Partner. With a proven customer experience and a team of highly trained and certified technical individuals, Geniusee is among the leading technology companies that have to complete a severe list of requirements to become an AWS partner. 

The requirements for an Amazon Web Services Advanced Partnership include 8 Accredited Individuals (four technical, four business professionals), four Amazon Web Services Foundational Certified Individuals, six Amazon Web Services Technical Certified Individuals, 20 launched opportunities, two publicly referenced clients, and 20 customer satisfaction surveys.

 Therefore, it means:

  • Geniusee Amazon API Gateway Specialization is a guarantee that you can easily manage the traffic, monitor, and control thousands of API calls at once if you rely on our expertise verified by the world-known service provider;
  • The Geniusee AWS Lambda Specialization is solid proof that our team supports and works with all types of languages and applications, both versions and aliases, regardless of their programming language, on an event-driven platform provided by AWS;
  • It is the expertise of Geniusee’s technology that makes your application successful. 

AWS Advanced consulting partner

In addition, we became an Advanced Consulting Partner with AWS this year.

Geniusee, AWS, and our clients will benefit from the partnership by accelerating customer innovation and maximizing the cloud’s flexibility and cost-effectiveness.

As enterprises migrate to a modern, optimized cloud platform, they rely increasingly on AWS services and Geniusee’s expertise to achieve targeted business results faster.

Geniusee has deep and integral experience in migration strategy, pall perpetration, and pall structure cost optimization. AWS has a wide range of cloud-based services to make your digital transformation smooth and secure. What a combo, right? Well, then you should consider joining us, so we can make it easier for you to conquer the world.

AWS Lamda delivery partner

We’ve mentioned already that we’re Lambda experts, haven’t we? AWS Lambda Delivery designation is a good reason for us to say so. 

Lambda is one of the AWS services that provide serverless computing services. Using it, you can easily execute certain program codes as a response to particular events and assign only necessary resources for that. Easy and fast. All that is for you to deliver better services with lower expenses. 

Amazon API Gateway delivery partner

Let’s move to APIs now. 

Amazon API Gateway Specialization. What do you need to get that accreditation? Or rather, what are the advantages for you as a client? 

The organization that owes Amazon API Gateway designation is able to accommodate thousands of API calls simultaneously, offer sustainable traffic management, and detect and control access. 

Do you need a quality delivery of AWS tools and services, assistance in API systems and architecture building and maintenance, assurance of scalability and security? Is there a request for CORS support, complex management of APIs, their authorization, and monitoring? All that and even more are companies from the Amazon API Gateway Partners list. And Geniusee is one of them. Just mentioned it, though. 

To be continued… Soon!

Quite a lot for one year, huh? 

Well, it’s not an end! We’ll continue to expand our expertise and soon will get more certifications as real proof of our expertise.

AWS competencied Geniusee acquires next year

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Clutch rewards

Geniusee is among top 1000  global companies according to ClutchGeniusee is one of top hundred software developers

Today, we’re excited to share with you that Clutch, a B2B ratings and reviews platform, has recognized us for our industry expertise once again. According to the market research resource, Geniusee is one of the top 1000 service vendors worldwide!

Geniusee is among 100 sustained growth companies worldwide according to Clutch

Clutch named us among Top Fast Growing B2B Service Providers for Sustained & Fast Growth for 2022. 

Geniusee took 35th place worldwide and 1st place in Ukraine. The ranking is based on the growth of companies during the past four years and revenue for the past two years. We’re honored to be mentioned among the best companies from the UK, US, Canada, Singapore, Ukraine, and other countries. 

Geniusee is one of the best developers in Poland according to Clutch

Clutch is also making lists of top development companies by country, and we took first place in Poland. We’re delivering one-of-a-kind software solutions that aim to bring our clients to the top of the market. More than 60 technologies, an impressive portfolio, and four core industries: FinTech, EdTech, Retail, and Real Estate. Yet, this is not the key to success. It just runs in our veins: strive for excellence, long-term partnerships, constant innovation, and continuos seeking of room for evolution. Still need more proof? Scroll down, then. 

Geniusee is on the Clutch leaders matrix in financial software development, education software development and as top software developer in Eastern Europe

According to Clutch, Geniusee is also in the Leaders Matrix as one of the:

  • Top Eastern Europe custom software developers;
  • Top financial app developers;
  • Top education app developers.

This is an extremely honorable evaluation of our expertise for us, and we promise you and ourselves not to stop and continue staying a known market leader.

Good firms awards

Geniusee is top mobile app development company according to Goodfirm

Good Firms recognizes us as a Top mobile app development company. So, in case you need an outstanding mobile (and web, too, don’t forget about that!) application, don’t call Saul. Call us!

The Manifest

Geniusee awards from Manifest

We also got some fancy new badges from Manifest, a platform that helps you to find your best B2B partners. 

Manifest included us in a list of the Top 30 software development companies worldwide.

Geniusee is among top 30 software development companies worldwide

Geniusee is also on top among:

  • IT services companies in Poland;
  • Software development companies in Poland;
  • Design agencies in Kyiv;
  • Design agencies in Ukraine;
  • Web development companies in Poznan.

Instead of the conclusions

Innovate, Accelerate, and Thrive!

New Year’s Eve is a promise-making time, so we officially vow to achieve more in 2023!

Let’s reshape markets’ landscapes together, shall we?