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AI software development services

Sometimes, you need an exquisite solution for the expansion and perfection of your business. We offer AI software development services to show you the hidden market potential and make your product more innovative, sustainable, and client-oriented at every corner.

The transformative power of AI development is limited only by imagination — together, we can develop intelligent solutions to optimize your business. We are ready to create AI that evolves with your vision.

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Our Al development services

Geniusee offers full-cycle AI development services. We find the most convenient model of working with data for your business and lead the process until the production stage. We can offer customized artificial intelligence solutions or provide the best off-the-shelf ones that fit your needs.

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  • We have experience building neural networks, computer vision systems, natural language processing models, and recommender systems.

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    Data engineering

    We have data engineers and scientists on staff to help acquire, clean, label, and preprocess your data to optimize it for machine learning.

  • Our engineers can provide AI development services tailored to your needs. We develop AI systems that can analyze data, discover patterns, make predictions, and optimize complex processes.

  • We build conversational AI solutions such as chatbots and virtual assistants that can engage in complex dialogs on platforms like Facebook Messenger, Slack, and custom web/mobile interfaces.

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    Computer vision

    We leverage advanced computer vision techniques like object detection, image classification, and facial recognition to build AI systems that can analyze and understand visual data.

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    AI integration

    We assist companies in integrating AI technologies into their existing systems and workflows. Our AI experts help determine use cases and select appropriate algorithms and data sets to integrate AI according to your inquiries.

  • For companies interested in using generative AI for creative tasks like art, music, writing, etc., we offer consulting on the latest generative AI methods.

  • We provide highly skilled AI engineers and data scientists to work as temporary or contract staff at your company.

  • We help companies using AI for natural language generation to craft high-quality prompts that produce coherent, consistent, and controllable responses.

What our clients say


Our development process

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Our industry expertise

We have extensive experience developing AI solutions for various industries. Our services span four key areas:

  • We build AI systems for applications such as fraud detection, credit scoring, portfolio management, and predictive analytics.

  • Our AI solutions include adaptive learning platforms, intelligent tutoring systems, and automated grading models.

  • We offer AI development for product recommendation engines, predictive inventory management, and customer segmentation models. 

  • Our development team is ready to assist you in creating automated workflow optimization tools, and customized technologies like virtual property tours.

Tools we use

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Computer Vision

Let's create a system with computer vision to detect, recognize, classify, or filter objects, patterns, characters, and other types of data for your business to bring more outcomes across different industries with our AI solutions.

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  • Data collection

    We can build the processes for data collection and analysis so you can own and benefit not only from the information but from the entire system solution, which brings you measurable results. You move from time-consuming, manually performed tasks to an automated, more cost-efficient, and flawless model for working with data.

  • Development

    Data segmentation, construction of basic prediction models, real-time automated processes, additional data quality control, and algorithms reduce the time to obtain insights from analytics and received data.

Natural language processing analysis

The image of your system understanding, analyzing, and generating human language is no longer a futuristic fantasy. You can make data-based decisions about development and scaling. Our artificial intelligence development services will supply your software with:

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    Data collection and annotation

    We can automate the collection processes, selecting the most efficient out of the available services, determining the scalable legal format, and analyzing models to work with. 

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    Development of solutions based on language models and knowledge graphs

    Our experts will enhance it with name entity recognition (what is in the text name, date, address, etc.), sentiment recognition (to find out whether it's positive feedback or not), and chatbots (to support the image of a responsive business). 

Signal processing

With signal processing, you can interpret raw data into insights with a future action plan. A reliable AI development company can help you reconfigure the IoT data into dashboards that guide you to meaningful results.

Reinforcement learning

To maximize the total reward of your efforts, you can use reinforcement learning. New powerful technologies allow you to robotize your product, and reinforcement learning can help your machine make a sequence of decisions to achieve the set goals. 


Check out our cases

Benefits of AI for software development

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AI automates many routine tasks, freeing up developers to focus on more complex problems. This allows developers to complete projects faster and build higher-quality software.

AI systems can detect bugs and vulnerabilities that humans often miss. They can also generate test cases to evaluate the functionality and security of software.

Custom AI can analyze large amounts of data to uncover insights and patterns and help with estimating timelines, allocating resources, and optimizing development processes.

AI powers personalized developer tools and work environments. AI assistants can understand a customers's needs, skills, preferences, and workflows to provide customized support. 

Why choose Geniusee for AI software development?

We are interested in your success and will accurately learn and define your project requirements to create the most satisfying results.

  • 24/7 Support

    As your AI software development company, we create your project-centered team to take care of it not only at the AI development stage but also from the discovery phase to launching and post-deployment support.

  • Metrics-driven company

    Our AI services are designed to create meaningful and measurable outcomes for your project, so as artificial intelligence is all about math, we believe only in numbers.

  • Experienced AI professionals

    Exquisite solutions can only be implemented by strong professionals passionate about their jobs. Our AI development services are already bringing marvelous results to global companies.

  • Agile approach

    We create a dedicated cross-functional team for your AI development and take responsibility for matching our productivity with your timeline expectations.

Our certifications

Our certifications

Geography and numbers

Our offices are located in the USA, Poland and Ukraine.

Our locations


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How much does it cost to outsource artificial intelligence development?

The price of the entire AI development service depends on the number of working hours required. According to Clutch's survey, the median cost for an app is around $170K, with a range starting at $30K to $700K. So, it depends on the vendor you work with, the expertise of AI developers, the complexity of the product you want to have at the end, and the estimated time limitations you set. You can also count the approximate cost using our estimator.

Estimate value

Artificial intelligence software development services do not take as long as you think. Depending on the scope of work, two or more weeks for POC and three to six or more months for the integration. Ask us to evaluate how long it will take to implement your AI solution into life!

Get a consultation

As an AI development company, Geniusee offers 24/7 post-deployment support and maintenance not only for AI projects but also for all-out software solutions.

Your AI developers should offer you the best scenarios of constant improvement and a mind map for scaling your product in the future. So, to make it happen, you should take into account this perspective and check the actual version of your application on bugs, adjusting it with new functions and adapting it to new realities in the technology world, such as new screen sizes, etc.

Become a partner

Artificial intelligence models are computer programs that can learn, adapt, and make predictions without being explicitly programmed. They are exposed to large amounts of data, which they use to detect patterns and make intelligent decisions when exposed to new data. Our AI developers train machine learning algorithms with massive amounts of data so they can learn on their own.

Yes, we offer AI consulting services to help organizations get started with artificial intelligence. Our consultants can assess your data and business needs to determine good opportunities for applying AI. We provide advice on managing data, selecting appropriate AI and machine learning techniques, and planning AI projects. 

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Location Middletown

651 N Broad St, Suite 206,
Middletown, DE 19709, USA

Location Warsaw

Ul. Adama Branickiego 21/U3,
Warsaw 02-972, Poland

Location Kyiv

BC Y4, Yaroslavs'kyi Lane 4,
Kyiv 04071, Ukraine

Location Lviv

BC Technopark, Fedkovycha St
60a, Lviv 79000, Ukraine