The fact that you have finished the website does not mean that the process is fully completed. Web development, like any other area, is currently moving forward dynamically. In order for your site to meet all modern standards and constantly lead you to purchases and sales, it must be maintained and improved daily. Website Technical Support is an important step in the development process, which continues as long as the website exists.
10 Website Technical Support Myths You Need to Know
Communicating with customers about Website Technical Support, we often encounter various fears, myths and misconceptions about it. In this article we will try to consider 10 most common myths and compare the customers' views with the developers' opinions.
Myth # 1: No website technical support needed.

Website development usually takes a lot of resources of all kinds. After this process, it is psychologically difficult for many clients to accept the idea that further website financing is needed. It may seem that so much effort and money has already been spent on the site, why on earth go on paying?
The second reason for such thoughts is that the site is perceived as a finished product that they “bought” in a store (that is, an outsourcing company, for example). When you buy a new TV set, you are not ready to invest into another new TV immediately, are you? Also, you are not ready to get service for it after the purchase (for your money) unless it breaks down.
In fact, you can understand how the website works and what needs to be changed only after creating the site and putting it into operation. Clients leave feedback and express wishes. An advertising campaign is launched and site improvements are required. At this stage, the client’s choice is either to remain unconvinced and try to do without Website Technical Support or subscribe to Website Technical Support and develop the site.
Myth # 2: We will support our website ourselves.

The root of this myth lies in the fallacy of modern site management systems. Creators of these systems promote them as a substitution for the professional services of web studios. Just order a working site, and then you yourself can change everything.
In addition, there are a lot of executives in companies that present the site as something simple and equate Website Technical Support to regular office work. There are full subordinates for office work, you just need to choose someone younger - and redirect this activity to them. Why pay someone else?
In fact, site management systems are designed to simplify the basic operations of filling the site. However, significant changes to the site require professional intervention. The minimum set of specialists for the full Website Technical Support of the site are a designer, a layout designer and a programmer. Of course, one must not forget about managing this process, which means there should be four specialists. So, in a regular company (not involved in web development) there would be no such team.
Myth # 3: We only need promotion.

This view is typical of business people. The site is considered as a resource requiring promotion and advertising. Funds invested in advertising and promotion are somehow returned, the logic is clear. Focus on the end result which is sales, and they are provided by advertisers. So let them create the site.
Promotion and advertising are necessary elements for a business. The problem is that the money spent on website promotion will be returned in only one case - if the website visitor accepts the offer on the website page. The content of the proposal (product, service, price and terms of sale) determines the business, and the form (page design, ease of ordering and navigation, speed) determines the quality of the site. That is, advertising and promoting an inconvenient, slow, poor-quality site is a waste of money. In real business, there are always changes (new products and services, promotions, offers), so even an initially high-quality website requires full support.
Myth # 4: Do not take the bait!

This myth belongs to the category of customer fears. The conclusion of a contract for ongoing support of the site is perceived as a kind of bondage. The client is presented with blackmail scenes from a web developer who requires money for some obscure services. Moreover, these requirements never end and there is no way you can refuse them.
In fact, when choosing a site developer, the client already selects a specific platform and, as a result, their own bait. Even if this is a common CMS, the developers write their own code, lay down their decisions in the layout of templates, etc. These circumstances make optimal Website Technical Support from the developer. On the other hand, with regular Website Technical Support, significant advantages appear: quick response to customer requests, lower cost of work, comprehensive service from one supplier.
In order not to take the bait, it’s better not to order a site at all :)
Myth # 5: Website Technical Support on Demand
Many customers believe that Website Support is needed, but only sometimes. In this case, you do not have to keep paying someone: there will be a task - we will order changes. At the end of the day, there are many website developers, there are freelancers.
Quality Website Technical Support requires constancy. The fact is that with a one-time order for improvements you need to study the site, understand the logic of the developers. It takes time, therefore it costs money. For small improvements, this overhead will be more than the task itself.
The second argument to debunk this myth is that the customers themselves often cannot formulate a task clearly. That is, the client believes that the website is working fine and will not apply for improvements or site audits. High-quality regular Website Technical Support includes proactive support-driven activities.
Myth # 6: We have CMS support.

This myth is based on the active promotion of commercial CMS, whose developers promise a hassle-free life for website owners. As a result, some site owners associate the entire site with a purchased CMS license and therefore perceive support from CMS as site support.
When you purchase a license for a commercial CMS, support is usually provided. But it’s important to understand that this support covers the management system, but not the site itself. That is, the tasks of developing and finalizing the site using such support cannot be solved. Also, the terms of support for CMS usually do not reach the level of business requirements.
Myth # 7: Our site works great!

In the absence of professional support for the site, a thought sometimes arises, - "if everything works somehow, then let everything remain as it is." At the same time, the site can really work and bring some effect for the business.
E-business and the Internet are generally extremely dynamic areas. This means that while your site is standing still, competitors are constantly increasing pressure and are modernizing. In advanced cases of prolonged self-support, it is usually required to conduct a complete redesign of the site, which requires significant investments and time.
Myth # 8: We have the best CMS, so Website Technical Support is not needed.
According to the beliefs of some not very experienced customers, there can be such a CMS that allows a housewife to manage the site without problems. This CMS is so flexible that all changes to the site are provided there and are carried out in a few clicks.
In fact, site management systems differ from each other in the set of features available to the simple user. However, you need to understand that the more flexibility is laid in the system, the more difficult it becomes to configure it. Ultimately, this setting turns into programming.
Furthermore, any changes in layout and design require professional intervention, regardless of the control system..
Myth # 9: The visual editor is everything!
This myth specifies the previous one, but it is very common and requires a separate analysis. Visual editors (WYSIWYG) eliminate the need to attract specialists to work on the site.
Visual editors have appeared to facilitate the work of creators of various types of content. In the context of sites, this refers to editing HTML code. However, such editors in no way solve the problems of modernizing and developing sites. In addition, the quality of the code that editors generate is extremely low.
Myth # 10: We will hire a boy / girl to work on the site.

Since Website Technical Support is needed, we will provide it ourselves. For this, we will specially select webmasters. He / she will perform all the tasks on the site, while sitting side by side in our office, and not somewhere far away.
As mentioned above, for a professional Website Support a team of at least four professionals is required (design, layout, programming, management / analytics). Consequently, one boy / girl can only take off some of the support tasks. At the same time, the cost of hiring such a person will be much higher than the usual Website Technical Support rates.

We would like to inform you that, having gathered great experience in developing and supporting websites and web applications, the Geniusee team has launched a new “Website Technical Support” service , which you can find heres.