Please be informed that the data administrator is Geniusee LLC with headquarter at BC Y4, Yaroslavsky Lane 4, 04071, Kyiv, Ukraine. Processing of personal data is carried out in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Protection of Personal Data" dated 01.06.2010 No. 2297-VI. You have the right to request access to your personal data, their release, removal or restriction of admission, the right to make a warning against admission, as well as the right to transfer the data and to make arrangements. The submission of data is voluntary and this personal data is processed in order to manage candidate applications and recruitment (selection process, interview follow-up, your job alerts management). Refusal to provide these obligations may result in a lack of opportunity to conduct the recruitment process.
Candidate personal data is addressed to Geniusee and is available to our recruitment teams, our employees involved in the recruitment process, our HR teams, and our IT teams which administrate our tools. As a part of our recruitment process evaluation, some of your data (name, surname, email address) may be used in charge of organizing events during which we may invite certain candidates.