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Find issues early in the development cycle
With the help of PHPUnit testing, you can find issues early in the development cycle. This includes both bugs and missing parts of the specification for the unit.
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Bottom-up testing approach
PHPUnit testing may reduce uncertainty in the units themselves and can be utilized as a part of a bottom-up testing approach.
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Module still works effectively
PHPUnit testing permits the programmer to refactor code or upgrade framework libraries at a later date, and ensure the module still works effectively.
PHPUnit is a unit testing system for applications written in PHP. Unit refers to small blocks of code, such as individual class methods. Those. You can test the method for working in automatic mode. When an application is large enough, containing many classes, methods, and even more so if it is planned to further expand it, it is worth doing testing and PHPUnit will help with this. It is a separate library of classes that you need to connect when creating your test.